Friday, September 14, 2007

Early bird catches the ....

Got to work early. 7.02am to be exact.

Office quiet, only 1 overhead light turned on.

Ate Jo and Kuya Paul still down at the jolly jeep station waiting for breakfast to be served.

I was not bothered. It usually is this way when I come in real early.

So I walk towards my space thinking of the day ahead.

Saw a figure go out the other way. Didn't think twice about it.

Then I backtracked - wait! nobody else comes in this early!

Went back, looked at all the other cubicles and found no one.

It hit me. I just saw a ghost!

My head went all big, my hairs stood on all ends. I was near tears.

I casually walked out. When I reached the door, I walked faster.

Tried calling hubby, but he was not picking up. Probably still driving.

I waited outside, looking over the makati skyline. Wondering what to do next.

Got tired waiting. Went back in, turned on all the lights.

Back to my space, downloaded my emails and tried not to think about it.

Then Ate Jo and Kuya Paul arrived - only to confirm that indeed I was the only one in the office until they got back.

So that is how my day has started. How was yours?

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