Saturday, October 20, 2007

Life Goes On..

A couple of us were in the office last night, past 8pm, typing away - trying to get the 500 emails down to a manageable handful. We knew this was wishful thinking of course, as one email sent out equals 5 emails coming in. This is the way of life for us in the buying office industry. We are so accustomed to unexplainable maths - where 1 minus 1 equals 5.

Anyways, we were chatting over our cubicles about the day's big event - the glorietta bombing. Glorietta - being a 5 minute FX ride away - was literally close to our hearts.
Amidst keyboards clicking, we tried to make sense of what has happened. The discussion being serious and earnest. This was no joking matter.

Then I realized something that we all have unknowingly accepted as part of our corporate lives - there we where, late at night - WORKING. Not even a bombing so close will get us to go home.

Talk about dedication.