Tuesday, January 21, 2014


While watching MMK's episode about 3 siblings left in the orphanage, I turned to anak.
Me: "nak gusto mo ipadala kita dyan? (me referring to the orphanage)
Anak replies: "saan sa MMK?" :😂

Social media

I twitter.
I instagram.
I facebook.
I pin.
I etsy.
I blog.
Therefore, I am.

I love social media. It's not so much about people following me, it's more about me having a platform for my inane, mundane and/or insane thoughts.
I love being in twitter, where I can rant and spew my angst to the "world" without nary a worry that I will offend someone.
I love instagram, where I can post photos of whatever catches my fancy without the pretentiousness of the written word.
I love facebook, where I am taught daily the values of patience, tolerance and appreciation.
I love pinterest, where I can curse to high heavens without really having spoken anything.
I love etsy, where I imagine a world where the only things I do are the things I want to do.
I love blogging, where I humor myself with the notion that I am a writer-of-sorts.
Ergo, I find it short changing myself (and the legions of people who follow me in each web venue) if all of my internet-based self have the same content.
There is a different me in each one.
And I sort of love each one of them. 😉

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Coffee Addict

Being enamored no end by Starbucks does not make you a coffee addict. Not in my book--- especially if the only thing you drink is cold frappucino. 😂