O.B. Montessori's Grade School Parent Orientation Day. Gail was the Grade School model for their "sunday's best" attire. Sabi nga ni Nel ng PBB Season 2 -- BONGGA!
My relatives tell me I spoke english until I was 3 years old. Apparently, I lost my knack to eloquently converse in english when I had to say more than "yes", "no" and "because".
My 7 year old daughter has started to talk to me in colehiyala english. "I do not want hamburger naman eh" or "I can carry my bag. It's not bigat." I find it amusing. Her dada finds its equally adorable.
She's seven, so she's excused.
But if you are old enough to have sex, or to drive (whichever comes first) - please, please restrain yourself from falling into the trap. English conversation is good only if you are having it with somebody who is really english speaking - somebody who processes thoughts in english.
If you process your thoughts in tagalog and struggle to verbally translate them, believe me it is a pain to watch. It's slow death for us. We will lobby for euthanasia - not for you, but for us who you subject to excruciating pain.
So the next time you find yourself caught in an english sentence you cannot complete in english, be kind. Mag tagalog ka na lang.
I am a lousy "first impressionist". I most often end up realizing that someone I found cool and interesting at first will turn out to be somebody who can piss me off just by mere presence.
This is a proven fact for me. My first friend in college turned out to be a real pain. My first friend at my first job, was an equal pain... and so it goes.
I do not fault all of these "firsts" - they probably are just being themselves. Pain is relative anyway. They may be real pains for me, but they seem to work out for others.
I learned my lesson - anybody I find mildly enticing at first, I become wary of. It is the one constant, infallible truth in my life.
Caught up with an "old" friend in the virtual world.
It fills my heart to be offered back something I had before. I am not deluding myself, I know my reality and going back is not one of the things I intend to do... yet.
I am not closing my doors either to what the future holds. Who knows what lies ahead? Given a few major tweaks and serious miracles, I may be enticed to reconsider. It was my life for almost a decade, a roller coaster ride of emotions, doubts and triumphs.
I recognize it is far fetched that a "return of the comeback" is realistically possible, but still, it's such a happy thought to be thought of.
Grumpy - that's me since last week. An idea hit me, which hopefully gets me out of this rut by the time I end this blog entry. {My cynical me strongly doubts this will happen though}
Think positive. Think good thoughts.
Things I should be thankful for:
1. I have a job. Not yet a career, but still - beats getting ink marks from going thru the classifieds of Manila Bulletin
2. i got a ride to work today. Better than crossing the Makati-Mandaluyong bridge on foot
3. It drizzles every so often now. I love the melancholy of rain.
4. I have 100+ unanswered business emails. I am loved! (wah-ha-ha)
5. I had lechon paksiw for lunch.
6. My cubicle is one organized mess.
7. My desk phone has caller ID. I can choose not to pick it up.
8. Today is Tuesday. Coding, hubby cannot fetch me so I have to leave early.
9. Today is Tuesday. 3 days away from the weekend.
300+ emails waiting for replies, dozens of boxes to open, a gazillion of samples to review, no brewed coffee on the pot, 20 million reports to submit and a really bad hair day.
A friend from my recent past had this on her post and she listed "Kathie" as one of the people she tagged. I am not so sure if the "Kathie" she means is me, but what the heck, the topic so appeals to my "frustrated artista" persona I had to grab it and post it here. So to the 2 and a half people (hubby, me and my daughter - who counts as half only since she probably does not understand half of what I crap about) who read my blog .. ENJOY!
INSTRUCTIONS: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 7 things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog.Here are my 7 random facts/habits:
1. I am cynical. I feel that there are no serious, honest to goodness, pure, selfless, good intentions. Everybody is in it for something.
2. I can sleep till midday, with no guilt feelings
3. I can eat a half gallon of Arce Dairy's mantecado ice cream if you don't stop me
4. I love plasticwares - those little boxes, baskets and pillboxes.
5. My greatest fear is getting run down and killed by a dilapidated Mitsubishi box type Lancer while I am wearing my most comfortable (read: worn out with holes) underpants. Imagine the headlines!
6. Right socks first before left
7. I do not eat veggies. Anything with leaves I stay away from.